Update on the repair works in Dorking's West Street

Update on Sep 20th:
Moved end date: Most recent update is that the assumed finish date has moved from end of the month to mid-November.
Complications and reason for delay:
- Thames Water (TW) team found that SES water needed to fix a leak, which has since been completed. The TW repair team now need to replace a longer section of pipe having discovered more defects.
- They need to break the ground by hand to ensure safety and that service lines aren’t damaged.
They are looking to secure permits from Surrey County Council Highways for longer working hours to complete the work faster.
North Street: after trying to keep it open it was clear it was too much of a risk for residents as the street is too narrow.
Junction Road: can’t be opened as the closest manhole available is there and they are using this as a temporary overland sewer to not impact services.
Businesses: there will be compensation for businesses after the fact. A letter has been sent to businesses with this message attached.