Sinkhole in Dorking's West Street

Chris Coghlan, MP for Dorking & Horley, and Hazel Watson, County Councillor, visited the site of the sinkhole in Dorking’s West Street, and are keeping up the pressure on Thames Water to fix the issue.
The sink hole appeared in West Street, Dorking last Friday night and the County Council swiftly closed the road to prevent accidents. They have investigated the sink hole and had engineers from both Thames Water and SES Water on site, and have determined that the sink hole has resulted from a failure of a surface water line relating to Thames Water. The investigation has shown that the problem is not just where the sink hole has appeared but also stretches around 50m along West Street towards Pump Corner.
Surrey Highways contractors [Ringway] are to hand over the site to Thames Water. The County Council does not as yet have a date for Thames Water to carry out the repair works. It is our understanding that the repair is a major piece of work, that Thames Water senior management will have to approve the costs of the repair, and that the overall repair and road reinstatement project will take some time to complete.